Top 5 Articles of the week

5 Facebook Tips and 51 Status Updates for Real Estate Professionals

It’s easier to hate Facebook than admit we don’t understand how to make it work for our business. The reality is when used effectively, Facebook can put you in front of hundreds or even thousands of people for little or not cost. LearnMoreButton

Three Simple Steps to Boost Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an easy (and free!) way to make sure your website appears at the top of a Google search. Improving your SEO means that you are taking specific steps to help get your website and listings ranked high on Google, which means potential clients can easily find you and your listings. LearnMoreButton

How to Market to First-Time Homebuyers

Whether you’ve decided to make working with first-time buyers your niche or you just need to diversify your funnel, you’ll find no shortage of potential clients. Proof: Every homeowner was at one time a first-time buyer. LearnMoreButton

Using VOW to Generate Leads

If you’re a real estate professional, no matter how successful you may be, you’re always looking for ways to generate leads. Finding new tools to do so isn’t always easy. Here’s one thing you can try: VOW. As we’ll explain, VOW offers a unique lead generation opportunity, as well as myriad benefits to your existing clients. LearnMoreButton

Some Brokers Really Suck

My fear was that she had been kicked out of rotation for not responding to leads. This fear was unfounded. As it turns out, she was fine – but her broker sucks. He takes all of her leads. She burst into tears. LearnMoreButton